Groupon Marketing For Local Merchants - udemy course

Groupon Marketing For Local Merchants - udemy course
Learn the way you can super-charge your business by offering a comprehensive plan using Groupons & you great service

Marketing for local merchant can be confusing & time consuming. This coursework is ideal for any business seeking to grow its customer base quickly without putting plenty of money out of their pocket. Using Groupon's is of the best ways for a local merchant to grow their business rapid & without plenty of up front expenses. This coursework teaches you the most effective way to plan & implement Groupon campaigns so make positive profitability & long term results.

Local marketing consultants will also benefit from this coursework in the event that they are seeking to expand their services to clients. Basically adding the service of generating & managing a local merchants Groupon campaign can add thousand of dollars per month to your income.

This coursework covers the most effective way to make use of Groupon's to grow & profit
Every step is outlined from planning to executions
Plenty of emphasis on a business centric approach to implement campaigns so that you can maximize the impacts Groupons can have on your business.
All lectures are video based, with some handouts & quizzes.

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