Android Development from scratch like a pro - udemy course

Android Development from scratch like a pro - udemy course
Using Android Studio two, learn how professionals use code and design nice practices

From your first empty activity, going through code smells, nice practices, design patterns and refactoring, finishing with a CRUD application that makes use of a local database to store its information.

In this work they will go through all the steps necessary for you to start your own first application. But they won't do bad code to do that... they are professionals and care about our code since it is our product. Let's query together the practices and code that they generate throughout our application, trying to improve it step by step.

You can expect to see plenty of API, from RelativeLayout, LinearLayout, ScrollableView, Text and Rating views, Buttons, custom shapes, Intents, additional serializable information, SQLite, SQL, DAO, ArrayAdapter, dynamic ListViews, action menus, context menus and more.

You can also expect the same high quality teaching process that I apply in each and everybody of my 50+ courses at Alura and my other courses here at Udemy (check my ratings and students feedback).

This is not a work for those who require an simple and unmaintainable solution, this is a work for better developing our apps. Welcome to a better application development world!

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