Project Management (CAPM®) Certification Training Course - Discount 92% Off

Use this 3 Courses & 20 Hours of Content to Learn All Things Project Management & Earn PDUs

The Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM)® is a crucial accreditation for all aspiring project managers, and this course aims to prepare you to pass the exam in your first attempt. Based on the PMBOK® Guide - Fifth Edition, this course will educate you in the five process groups and ten knowledge areas as prescribed by PMI®. Ready to kickstart a career in project management, or what?

Access 20 hours of content 24/7
Earn required PDUs to take the CAPM® certification exam
Cover the basics of PMP, Agile, Scrum, & Microsoft Project 2013
Learn methods & techniques to optimize effectiveness in software estimation
Gain an understanding of project management philosophies

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