Learn Linux in 5 Days - 100% Free eBook

Learn Linux in 5 Days - 100% Free eBook

If you want to learn how to use Linux and level up your career but are pressed for time, read on.

In this Linux eBook, you will learn the most important concepts and commands, and be guided step-by-step through several practical and real-world examples. As new concepts, commands, or jargon are encountered they are explained in plain language, making it easy to understand. The most important material is condensed into five sections, each designed to be consumed in a day.

You will learn:

How to gain access to a Linux server and what Linux distribution is
What software is needed and what SSH is
The file system layout of Linux systems and where to find programs, configurations, and documentation
Basic Linux commands you'll use the most often
And much, much more
If you feel like you don't have enough time and you're not sure where to start, this resource will help relieve your frustration and guide you toward the answers you need.

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