The A to Z Guide to Wine for Newbies, Taught by a Winemaker - udemy course

A unique education about wine from a winemaker. How it's made, and how to fully enjoy tasting and talking about it.

This is a comprehensive, easy-to-understand course on all aspects of wine.

What will we cover?

  • Wine defined and where it came from
  • A full year in the vineyard
  • How the heck it's made
  • Building your wine confidence
  • Pairing wine (coming soon)
  • Frequently asked questions (coming soon)
  • How the heck to taste it "properly" (spoiler alert: however you want) (coming soon)
  • How we talk about wine (coming soon)
  • What's with all the fancy wine lingo? (coming soon)
  • How and where to buy wine on a budget (coming soon)

What are the features?

  2. Lifetime access. No limits.
  3. iPhone, iPad, and Android accessibility
  4. Certificate of Completion
  5. Slides from the course lectures in .pdf

Why take this course?

  1. Enhance your enjoyment of wine, in your own unique way
  2. Feel the hubris of wine confidence, and put that wine snob you know to shame
  3. Heck, you can become a wine snob yourself, if you'd like

How is the course structured?

  • Awesomely informative videos with mind-boggling winemaker insight
  • Take this course with a friend! Pop that bottle open and park yourself!
  • It's structured to be informative and fun. Even more so with wine.
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