Breathing Meditation Exercises For Healing uding Yoga Breathing Techniques

Breathing Meditation Exercises For Healing Using Yoga Breathing Techniques To Reduce Stress And Anxiety

In this course titled ' Breathing Meditation Exercises For Healing Using NLP And Yoga ' by Pradeep Aggarwal teaches many breathing techniques like 'Pranayam, Sign Breathing , Belly Breathing for the purpose of healing any one from pain, stress, anxiety , headaches , nervousness and tension . The breathing techniques help you to relax deeply and get into a state of relaxation and calmness instantly .

The course contains more than 30 minutes of content using video and 9 lectures.

The techniques are very powerful and ideal for sportsperson and people with very hectic schedules

The course contains:


Breathing Exercise ' Pranayam.'

Breathing exercise called ' Sign Breathing'

Breathing exercise called ' Relaxation Breathing To Reduce Tension.'

How to heal injuries using breathing exercises

Breathing exercise to reduce headache

Breathing exercise called Belly Breathing

Learn deep relaxation using breathing techniques

Summary Of The Course

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