Fun DIY Circle of 5ths For Musicians - Guitar Piano Ukulele - 100% Off

Create your own Dynamic Moving Circle of 5ths - Easy to Carry & Use - a MUST for piano, guitar, ukulele players, etc

The Circle of 5ths is a fascinating music tool for students studying piano, guitar, ukulele ... and as a matter of fact, all instruments studies!

Have you ever wondered what the letters mean?
Do you know how to make the Circle of 5ths come alive for you?
What is the difference between Circle of 5ths & Circle of 4ths?
How is it different from Circle of 12ths?
How is the CIrcle of 5ths related to the 12 tones in the span of an octave?
Are you often frustrated with the order of sharps & flats?
Here's the Secret: Turn the Static Circle of 5ths into a Dynamic Moving Circle. When you watch your circles move, you know exactly what I am talking about!

Learn how to let the 12 tones interact with each so that they can dance together and run harmoniously.

In this course, I will show you how to make a DIY Circle of 5ths so that you can use this musical tool wherever you go. If you take all my Circle of 5ths courses at different levels, you will be able to use this DIY Circle of 5ths to play by ear, to predict chord progressions, to write your own songs, to reharmonize songs with more sophisticated chords, to analyze popular standards.

The DIY Circle of 5ths is my GIFT to all musicians. I am charging a very low tuition fee of $5 that will become your best friend forever in your music journey!

Many musicians are now using my DIY Circle of 5ths and they take it along with their guitar wherever they go. This is a compact handy tool for you to use. Many of my students are taking it to the piano to play their favorite songs by Ear. Also ukulele players are in awe of where the Circle of 5ths can take them to pursue their music dreams.

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