Creating physically accurate still indoor image in 3DS Max and Vray
This class is about lighting an interior scene from morning to night in 3DS Max and VRay. By the end of this course:.
You will learn basic render setting in VRay.
You will be able to lit any interior scene physically accurate with VRay.
You will learn VRay Sun, VRay Sky and VRay light for artificial lighting.
You will learn how to prepare your final render for high quality still image.
You will be able to use Adobe Photoshop for post production.
In this 2 hours course:
We will discover how to lit an indoor scene with a single HDR Image.
We will practice sun rise and sun set moods with VRay Sun and VRay Sky.
We will lit our indoor scene with 2 different artificial light sources.
We will setup the lighting to simulate a fireplace.
We will learn how to setup render setting to generate high quality still images while keeping a balance between render time and render speed.
The last part of this lesson will focus on the use of Photoshop to do the final tweaks to your work.
We will see some tricks to increase the quality of our final work.
Udemy Course Link :
Interior lighting in 3DS Max and VRay - Udemy Course Free
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