Master Wordpress 2015 With No Coding Required

Learn to Customize Wordpress without needing to learn code. This course is a no code approach for customizing Wordpress

Take advantage of our Free Wordpress Setup Offer. Get your Wordpress installed Free ($99 Value). This cost no more to have us do it. We use affiliate links to get paid. Learn how inside the course.

Definitely not your Typical Beginners Course

Let us take you from the beginning and teach you how to customize Wordpress to look the way you want it too. You aren't required to learn any coding skills, HTML or CSS. We teach this course. We are taking a No Code Approach.

Students Will learn:

  1. Learn to build website using Wordpress
  2. Learn to embed video in Pages or Post in Wordpress
  3. Learn to add images to post/pages
  4. Learn to add url link to images
  5. Learn How to install Wordpress on Host Provider
  6. Learn how to change header image for logo
  7. Learn to customize layout of the pages using Wordpress
  8. How to add a Favicon to your site
  9. How to customize the sidebar
  10. How To Change The Font and Font Size
  11. Learn to add Social Media "Share" Buttons
  12. Learn to add "Contact Page"
  13. Learn all the important SEO Factors
  14. Learn to setup MAMP for Wordpress Customizing Locally
  15. Learn to use Firebug developer tools

The List goes on and on. It's unbelievable just how much you will learn in this course. We are teaching this course exactly how we would want to learn Wordpress if we was learning from the beginning.

In order to customize Wordpress to this extent without knowing code students will need to buy a couple extra items. One being Genesis Framework and a Child Theme of your choice from StudioPress. I am also recommending students buy the Styles for Genesis plugin. If you do a bit of research you will find out these are highly recommended by all developers.

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