Stop reduce eliminate pain or get relief from pain with EFT

By the end of this course you will have pain relief or eliminate the experience of pain with EFT and Hypnosis

Pain is a subjective expereince and can be both acute and chronic whoever there are many ways of looking at a and stopping or reducing that pain experience, Here you are going to learn a technique I have been using for years with clients that can give amazingly fast results. Those results can sometimes seem unbelievable and I am happy to be able to share my knowledge and experience with you here. You are going to learn a simple to learn and apply technique that can be used anywhere anytime for stopping pain. You may also experience complete cessation of pain because it was not actually a physical condition but a past emotional event that has been causing you all that pain.I am going to guide you every step of the way and I have also added a hypnosis session to program your mind to stop pain.

All Videos are downloadable for easier access offline

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