HTML & CSS from Basic to Advance by Practice - Udemy #HTML5 #CSS3

Use this comprehensive guide and practice to create your website

HTML and CSS are the languages you can use to build and style websites. People often think it is extremely difficult to make a website. That is not the case! Everyone can learn how to make a website. This course provides an in-depth look at the essentials: the syntax of HTML and best practices for writing and editing your code.

Learn to Code HTML & CSS is a simple and comprehensive guide dedicated to helping beginners learn HTML and CSS. Outlining the fundamentals, this guide works through all common elements of front-end design and development.

What am I going to get from this course?

  1. Basic HTML & CSS Fundamentals
  2. Paragraphs, Heading, Formatting, Quotations, Computer Code, Comments, Fonts
  3. Links, Images, Tables, Lists
  4. Blocks, Border
  5. Margin, Padding, Align
  6. Positioning, float, inline block
  7. Classes, Ids, Pseudo-Class, Pseudo-Element
  8. Layout, Dimensions
  9. Forms, Form Examples
  10. Navigation menu, Navigation menu examples
  11. Web page layout, web page layout examples
  12. Using just HTML & CSS to create Image slider
  13. Web Page templates
  14. Guide to complete your website
  15. Guide to publish your website
  16. Practice examples
  17. Quizzes
  18. and much more,...

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