Hypnosis - Get Rid Of Headache Using Self Hypnosis - Udemy

Hypnosis - Get Rid Of Migraine And Headache Using Self Hypnosis And Powerful Relaxation Techniques

In this coursework titled ' Hypnosis - Get Rid Of Headache Using Self Hypnosis.' By Pradeep Aggarwal , you will learn -

What is migraine headache?
Why migraine headache happens?
How self hypnosis helps you get rid of migraine headache
It is possible for you to to get rid of your headache & migraine using powerful self hypnosis techniques , relaxation techniques , visualization & affirmations.

It is possible for you to to relax instantly & overcome stress & pain to accomplish higher success in your life .This coursework is useful for individuals who work under high stress & tension & require instant relaxation to overcome their migraine & headache issues

It is also ideal for sports individuals who can be subject to migraine assaults due to mental & physical strain

This coursework is in English & contains over 30 minutes of video content & designed over ten lectures & practical visualization exercises

This course contains -

Lecture 1 : Introduction

Lecture 2 : Remove Myths About Self Hypnosis

Lecture 3 : Conscious Mind Vs Subconscious Mind

Lecture 4 : How To Enter Into The State Of Self Hypnosis

Lecture 5 : How To Master Self Hypnosis To Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind

Lecture 6 : Creating A Relaxation Trigger

Lecture 7 : Learn A Powerful Visualization Exercise To Get Rid Of Migraine

Lecture 8 : Another Powerful Visualization Exercise To Get Rid Of Migraine

Lecture 9 : Audio File

Lecture 10 : Summary

Lecture 11 : Bonus Exercise Uncovering the cause and developing confidence

Udemy Coupon Code :https://www.udemy.com/hypnosis-get-rid-of-migraine-using-self-hypnosis/?couponCode=MIGRAINE15