Kindle Cash: How To Build a Sustainable Business With Ebooks

Learn how to master ebook publishing, even if you are NOT an expert. Discover the easiest way to make money online now!

What if I tell you that there's an EASY WAY to make money online?
What I am about to show you is not a "magic bullet" method, but a business. Just like every business, there's process and system to follow. This is very real, and if done correctly, it can help you generate a good passive income - even while you sleep!

I've been on Amazon Kindle since 2011, making thousands of dollars selling ebooks - some of which became bestsellers! The e-book publishing business is NOT dead! It's not even close. It will stay around for quite some time!

"E-reading is certainly on the rise. The Pew Research Center reports that, as recently as 2010, hardly anyone in the US had an e-reader or tablet. Now half do. The proportion of the population who have read an ebook in the past year rose from 17 per cent in 2011 to 28 per cent just three years later. In the UK, figures from Nielsen, which monitors book sales, showed that one in four consumer titles bought in 2013 was an ebook, up from one in five a year earlier." - The Financial Times Limited 2014

What is this course about?
This course is about making money online with e-book publishing, especially with Amazon Kindle and other publishing platforms! The course has close to 50 video lectures, interactive quizzes, and PDF guides, specifically designed to "hold your hand" throughout the program so that you can get the success you deserve!

If you are looking for ways to generate some passive income and turn your knowledge into cash, you've come to the right place!

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