NLP-Be Positive Whenever You Want Using Anchoring

NLP-Be Positive Whenever You Want Using Anchoring Techniques Using NLP And Achieve Your Professional Goals In Life

In this course titled ' NLP- Be positive whenever you want using anchoring techniques .' By Pradeep Aggarwal you will learn and master anchoring/mind trigger techniques to attract positive energy in your life and become positive whenever you want instantly using very powerful and simple anchoring techniques which is a part of NLP . Anchoring and mind triggering is nothing but activating a past feeling of positiveness in the current situation by programming a trigger using your fingers, by activating the trigger in the current situation you are bringing back the positive feeling and filling up your mind and body with positive energy .

By the end of the course you will also master self hypnosis technique for instant relaxation to calm your mind and body .

This course contains more than 30 minutes of live video recording and practical exercises designed in 7 lectures .

The course contains-


What Is Anchoring And How It Works

Create A Positive Anchor Now

How To Use Anchors / Triggers In Your Daily Life

How To Use Modeling Technique For Positive Energy

Bonus Technique – Relaxation Technique Using Self Hypnosis

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