The Power of Motivation - Shape and Control Your Destiny - Udemy Free

Fuel your brain with positivity! Climb the career ladder! Emanate confidence! Boost your self-esteem! Become fearless!

Motivation, according to the Cambridge dictionary, is the enthusiasm, need or reason for doing something. I would personally prefer to call it the burning desire to achieve a specific and well defined goal.

It is the eagerness and passion that governs and manages your behavior and defines the path along which you will move. Motivation is something that triggers you into action and allows you to follow through when obstacles appear.

It is the endurance to keep moving ahead in spite of difficult times and difficult circumstances. It is the drive to stick to your plan even when all odds are against you.

Motivation is the vigor and perseverance that pushes you to FULFILL YOUR DREAMS. Our brain is in a permanent state of need for pleasure. If you are able to filter the thoughts that you send to your brain, you are on your way to controlling how the brain reacts in different situations.

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