Demonstrations of the most popular hack-tools of LINUX

Learn how to use various security tools of Linux, become linux security specialist.

Most students who need to learn hacking, probably haven't used Linux before. Some students know only the theory, but they have no idea how it is actually done. Right now, you could be a beginner, you may not know what a teminal is. If this is the case, then this coursework is ideal for you. Its best suited for students who enjoy learning by doing things in a practical way.

The following security tools are featured in this coursework:

  1. Wireshark
  2. Nmap
  3. Hydra & Hydra-gtk
  4. macchanger
  5. tor browser
  6. Aircrack-ng
  7. Reaver
  8. Fern wi-fi cracker

I have tried to keep this coursework short & to-the-point. So all the lectures are video demonstrations of various techniques. The first sections deal with the basics of the Linux operating method. In section five, you will learn how to put in the security tools of kali linux on ubuntu. From section 6 to section ten, you will learn how to make use of the above mentioned tools in Linux. Throughout the coursework, you will find out about increasingly commands & techniques, & you will realise how flexible Linux is.

After finishing this coursework, you will have the skills of a hacker.

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