Essential Oils and Healthy Female Menopause - udemy coupon

Essential Oils and Healthy Female Menopause - udemy coupon
History and Research Secrets. Learn the way you can live life to the fullest.

FINALLY LEARN about all the UNBELIEVABLE benefits of ESSENTIAL OILS in the female menopausal body and the studies that support those benefits you'll seldom wonder about essential oils and menopause again!

Essential oils and health -- a tremendous hot topic lately. Essential oils and Menopause? Perhaps -- but can they help? But Essential oils and Western Medicine?

Now that is controversial.

But what happens when you merge the technical skills of a western medicine researcher & author with essential oil research & product development? You get me, Dr Dan Purser -- an MD who is done endocrinology (hormone) research, written a ton of books on the subject (seven #1 titles), done years of essential oil research and essential oil/hormone product development, and is a master worldwide educator on essential oils and medicine (endocrinology).

In this small coursework they delves in to the medical issues associated with menopause, what the shortage of hormones will do to you (in some wonderful detailed exclusive reports), the history of some key oils that can apparently alleviate menopause signs, and a quantity of the benefits you might expect from their use.

Take this to learn more about menopause and a quantity of the magic of essential oils.

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