First Person Shooter - 3rd Person Shooter Camera Features - udemy coupon

First Person Shooter - 3rd Person Shooter Camera Features - udemy coupon
Unity developers can create camera features and effects for first-person shooter (FPS) and 3rd person shooter games

In this coursework, they will going to cover the most important features that are implemented in every FPS (First person shooter) as well as lots of 3rd person shooter games you play which includes:

  1. A separate window at the top-right of the screen so you can see what is going on in different locations.
  2. How to pick different camera view with keyboard to switch to different cameras like Need for Speed or any other racing game.
  3. Take snapshots of different game contents that you can use to implement your own picture gallery or displaying a past key moment.
  4. Making a telescopic camera that can be used to zoom in and out to any enemy or other hindrance.
  5. Making a camera that can inspect(move on a specific orbit/ Zoom in and out) and generate a mini-map at the right-bottom.

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