Hosting Django: Amazon Web Services (AWS) Fundamentals - udemy coupon

Hosting Django: Amazon Web Services (AWS) Fundamentals - udemy coupon
A beginner SysAdmin coursework for Django web developers. Learn to launch, optimize & scale your app in Amazon Web Services.

Setting up servers for your business or startup can be a tedious and expensive method, when you are beginning out or switching to a new platform. Amazon Web Services is fabulous but you can still feel like you are becoming an accidental Process Administrator trying to set everything up correctly. However, with the right instructions, you can get up and running in a few hours--saving you time, funds, as well as a headache.

This coursework will walk you through Amazon's Web Services, with a focus on setting up Django and leveraging their Free Tier to keep your project free (for low-bandwidth makes use of for year). We'll start with the fundamentals of launching and configuring Django on EC2, discussing different ways to connect to your process while keeping it secure, we'll progress to fine tuning your process with fast and efficient content delivery, and at last we'll dive in to all the ways that you can scale your process on this brilliantly elastic platform.

A fast note: Amazon Web Services is used by a number of the largest sites on the net, including Netflix and Yelp, as it is very scalable, but, it is as well as a favourite of lots of entrepreneurs and VC's who know to take advantage of their Free Tier. It is a great deal.

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