Jenkins Bootcamp: Fully Automate Builds Through Deployment - udemy coupon

Jenkins Bootcamp: Fully Automate Builds Through Deployment
An introduction to the Jenkins build server using continuous integration and deployment techniques -- all step by step.

This is a comprehensive coursework designed to show how to setup and run a Jenkins CI server beginning with continuous inspection (build, check and analysis) all the way through to continuous deployment. This coursework provides a powerful foundation for implementing continuous inspection, continuous integration, continuous delivery, and even continuous deployment at your company or studio. In order to ikeep the coursework short and to-the-point, several decisions were made in order to provide a complete path from CI to CD.

The pipeline created in this coursework consists of the following:

  1. Jenkins CI server installed and configured on Windows
  2. Git as the source control technique
  3. Java as the main programming language of build projects
  4. Maven as the build device
  5. Findbugs, PMD, and Checkstyle as the static code analysis tools
  6. Tomcat as the deployment server

This set of tools provides a comprehensive, end-to-end implementation continuous deployment pipeline. Jenkins can be installed on lots of operating systems and supports a myriad of tools and technologies -- which means, this coursework provides tremendous value to those comfortable or interested in other operating systems and/or technologies.

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