Learn SQL in 6 days - Learn SQL and handle databases confidently

Learn SQL in 6 days Video Work provides a basic understanding of databases, tables, as well as how to manipulate knowledge with functions like add, edit or delete knowledge from tables & databases. Knowledge retrieval ideas, which includes sorting, filtering, multi-table join, sub-queries & using functions in retrieval statements are discussed in detail.

This course covers the following topics:

  1. Database Fundamentals
  2. Schema
  3. Managing Database & Tables
  4. Populating Knowledge
  5. Retrieving Knowledge
  6. Functions
  7. Generating Sub-totals
  8. Sub-queries

This work requires about three.5 hours to complete. But they would recommend you to split it in to 6 days to have a complete understanding of the ideas.

This work is structured in such a way that can start writing SQL in hours with confidence.

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