Master Google Classroom - step by step #GoogleClassroom - udemy course

Master Google Classroom - udemy course
The step by step guide to Google Classroom. Manage students, assignments & communicate in the cloud!

Google Classroom will change your life! Keep in mind the elderly days of making copies, handing out assignments, tracking student work, & by hand grading?

Google Classroom reinvents those time consuming tasks by introducing a paperless program that actually works.

First, you will get an introduction to the app & learn why it was developed. You'll move immediately in to generating your first class.

Then, go step by step in to generating, distributing, collecting & grading assignments. Discover the advanced tools like drafts, invitations, calendars, & electronic mail notifications.

Finally, learn how to properly communicate with students individually, or by posts, announcements & questions. With all that knowledge, you will become an wonderful teacher in the cloud!

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