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Your Guide to Reaching Native-like French Pronunciation

Not a native speaker, but you require to sound like? This coursework is designed for beginner French learners who require to erase pronunciation errors before they even happen. Ideal pronunciation is a hefty feat, but understanding the basic building blocks of the French language (the alphabet, digraphs, trigraphs and unique letters) and the foundations of the pronunciation process (dipthongs, hiatos and accent marks) will place you on the path to pronunciation fluency.

If you are an intermediate or advanced student, but you would like to get back to the basics to see where you might have gone wrong along with your pronunciation, this coursework is for you as well.

Comic, engaging animated videos guide you through the thick and narrow of the French phonetic process, which is not so tricky after all! PDF note sheets help you take useful notes that you can use as reference sheets later on in your studies, and video quizzes let you practice your pronunciation skills you have learned in the coursework!

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