Android App Development : 6 Android Apps Without Coding - Udemy $10 Coupon

Android App Development: Build 5 Awesome Apps Without Coding -  Udemy Coupon
Become Android App Developer Generating Awesome Android Apps Without Coding Using FREE tool

Learn the basic ideas, tools, and functions that you will need to build fully functional Android Apps without Coding with the popular MIT App Inventor.

Build a powerful foundation in Android App Development with this tutorial for beginners.

Getting Started With MIT App Inventor2
Understanding User Interface and Parts
Adding Functionality With Blocks
Jogging Apps on Actual Tool
A Powerful Skill at Your Fingertips
Learning the basics of Android App Development puts a powerful and great tool at your fingertips. MIT App Inventor is free, simple to learn, has excellent documentation, and is the base for generating professional Android apps without coding.

Jobs in Android App development are plentiful, and being able to learn Android App Development will give you a powerful background to more basically pick up other Android app development tools.

Course Content and Overview

Suitable for Everyone, through this coursework of twenty lectures and one hour of content, you will learn all of the MIT App Inventor Fundamentals and establish a powerful understanding of the idea behind Android App Development. Each chapter closes with Quizes, putting your new learned skills in to check immediately.

Beginning with setting up MIT App Inventor, this coursework will take you through App Inventor User Interface, visible and Non visible Parts, Blocks and how to make use of them. By generating Apps, you will a establish a powerful understanding of Android App Development method.

Students finishing the coursework will have the knowledge to generate functional and useful Android Apps in minutes without coding.

With these fundamentals mastered, the coursework will take you through how to make use of Blocks to add complexity and functionality to your programs.

You will be able to work alongside the author as you work through each idea, and will get a verifiable certificate of completion on finishing the coursework.

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