The Complete WordPress Theme Development Guide - Udemy Coupon 100% Off

Complete WordPress Theme Development Guide - Udemy Coupon
Learn how to build custom wordpress themes with understrap and launch custom sites and web apps using Wordpress, PHP, HTML, SASS, Gulp and more. This course is comprehensive and covers everything you need to know to build your own custom sites with Wordpress.

Wordpress powers about 27% of the websites in the world, so these skills are invaluable. Wordpress developers earn on average $65,000 per year and upwards of $100,000 with more experience. You can also use these skills for freelancing or selling custom site themes to the public.

In this Complete WordPress Theme Development course, you'll learn Wordpress theme development. This will allow you to build your own websites and give them a custom user interface (look and feel). You'll walkaway with the confidence to create your own sites on the fly.

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