Introduction to Cosmic Rays, Muon Physics, Berkeley Detector Udemy Course 100% OFF

The Berkeley detector is a highly portable coincidence muon detector is easy to use and easy to understand.

Energetic particles, traditionally called Cosmic Rays, were discovered nearly a hundred years ago, and their origin is still uncertain. Their main constituents are the normal nuclei as in the standard cosmic abundances of matter, with some enhancements for the heavier elements; there are also electrons, positrons and anti-protons, but no anti-nuclei.

Today we also have information on isotopic abundances, which show some anomalies, as compared with the interstellar medium. The known spectrum extends over energies from a few hundred MeV to 3*10^{20} eV and shows few clear spectral signatures: There is a small spectral break near 5*10^{15} eV, the "knee", where the spectrum turns down; there is another spectral break near 3*10^{18} eV, the "ankle", where the spectrum turns up again. Up to the ankle the cosmic rays are usually interpreted as originating from Galactic supernova explosions; however, we do not know what the origin of the knee is.

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