Ignite Career Destiny - Find your career sweet spot and make your vocation your vacation - - Udemy $10 course 60% OFF

In Ignite Career Destiny Course you will go through 9 key sessions to give you your ultimate path.

This course covers personality, gifting, industry, passions, verbs, 'Ikigai', identifying multiple paths, creating a vision and how to create a 'TRG' plan.

Personality covers specifically your work values. You will identify what is most important to you and what is least important to you in the work place.

Gifting covers 10 areas. You will discover your top 3 gifts and also what you are least gifting at. You will understand how this impacts your daily work environment.

Industry involves zooming out and taking a look at the big picture. You will identify your top 3 most important industry's.

Verbs involve the 3 most compelling action words that get you out of bed in the morning. Once you discover these, you are able to enjoy so much more meaningful work.

Passions involve uncovering your most passionate cause and how that fuels you on your mission.

'Ikigai' stands for your sweet spot. You will learn how to tie together all of the previous elements to form your unique mission statement.

Then it is important to select multiple paths from good, better to delicious.

In the vision session, you will learn how to create your future in advance.

And in the final TRG session, you will learn how to create a MAP and a GPS so that you can stay on track with your vision.

Grab this Udemy course :https://www.udemy.com/course/ignite-career-destiny/?couponCode=319A13A32B3A6829D465

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