How to paint winter landscape in just one hour - Udemy Coupon 100% Off

How to paint winter landscape in just one hour - Udemy Coupon
Workshop, dedicated to watercolor miniature, with a step-by-step explanation of every secret of winter landscape!

One of our artists, Tatiana Anisimova, in just one hour explains how to create a magnificent winter landscape and shows every step on practice. Simple technique, detailed explanation, and precise methodology gives every beginner a chance to create competent piece of art and obtain an excellent result. You’ll paint your work on the first try. The teacher of this course will give you and easy and clear explanation of how to use watercolor to paint snow, flurries, snowstorm, snowy trees, and smoke coming out of the chimney. With this knowledge anyone will be able to make winter landscape from picture or from memory, without an guidance. This course consists of 9 videos and lots of winter landscapes for examples and inspiration. To do this course you’ll need one hour or more, depending on your experience in watercolor.

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