Ubuntu Web Development Setup - Udemy Free Course

Ubuntu Web Development Setup - Udemy Free Course
Learn how to set up Ubuntu for Web Development

Learn how to set up the Ubuntu 16.04 working framework for web development.

introduce Ubuntu in VirtualBox

set up a development domain for Ruby on Rails, Node.js, and XAMPP

set up code editors: Atom, Brackets, Visual Studio Code, Sublime Text

step by step instructions to introduce the Oh My Zsh shell system

step by step instructions to introduce the Prezto shell system

This course is valuable for the individuals who need to learn Linux, including the nuts and bolts like how to introduce programs through storehouses, or download the establishment bundle from a website, and how to check and introduce drivers.

At that point, we will stroll through how to set up a development domain for Ruby on Rails, Nodejs and PHP.

We will introduce various code editors, and furthermore the Oh My Zsh shell system.

Toward the end, you will have an entire framework for working and testing in.

What Will I Learn?

Introduce Ubuntu 16.04

Introduce development conditions for Ruby, Rails, Nodejs, PHP and Meteor

Introduce Atom, Brackets, Visual Studio Code or Sublime Text

Introduce Oh My Zsh

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Udemy Course :https://www.udemy.com/ubuntu-web-development-setup/