Creating and working with automation test report using EARS - Udemy course 100% Off

Creating and working with automation test report using EARS - Udemy course

Creating and working with automation test report using EARS course is designed in such a way that anyone with good knowledge on:
- C#
- ASP.Net
- Web Services
- Powershell /Shell scripting
Can design and develop an robust and extendable automation test reporting by themselves for their Company/Job.

Execute-Automation Reporting System (EARS) is going to be a unified reporting system for any type of automation testing which is built using ASP.Net.

Meaning, EARS will support any kind of automation tools/technology you use like
- Selenium
- Coded UI
- Robotium/Appium
ExecuteAutomation Web Service (EAWS) is going to be the web service that any of the above tool can consume in their custom built framework or via EAAutoFramework to insert data into EARS DB

ExecuteAutomation Test Harness System (EATS) is built using Powershell to provide anyone to perform series of operation for their CI tools

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